How to Solve Issues With Asphalt Paving

When pavement is installed improperly, it is vulnerable to various problems. These include Alligator cracking, Transverse cracks, Slippage cracks, and potholes. A few different methods can solve these problems. Here are some tips for solving everyday problems with asphalt paving.

Alligator cracking

Alligator cracking in asphalt paving is one of the worst types of interpreting, and if left untreated, it can lead to more significant issues. This cracking typically results from problems with the supporting material under the asphalt. An improperly prepared subgrade, for instance, will not hold up under the pressure of the asphalt. Hence, it’s essential to repair alligator cracks immediately to avoid a potentially costly liability issue.

The first step is to identify the root cause of alligator cracking. A professional asphalt repair company like asphalt paving Seattle can diagnose the problem and find the most appropriate solution. This way, they’ll be able to repair the cracks and preserve the life of the asphalt. Another way to find a reliable asphalt repair contractor is to request a free consultation.

The best way to fix Alligator cracking is to repair the sub-base. Patching can be an effective short-term solution, but it will only be effective in the short run. Patching material will be pushed out of the cracks when the asphalt moves. The best long-term solution is to replace the asphalt pavement. This will ensure that the sub-base is properly installed.

Transverse cracks

Asphalt pavements are vulnerable to cracks, including transverse cracks. These cracks run perpendicular to the center line and often result from thermal expansion. The cause of these cracks can vary, but they’re usually related to poor joint construction and pavement wear. If they’re not treated quickly, they can turn into potholes. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent this from happening.

One method to prevent transverse cracks is to prevent them from forming in the first place. This method involves modifying the construction design to minimize the risk of cracks forming in the pavement. The design of the base course and the surface layer should consider these factors.

The first step to fixing a crack is to determine the exact cause of the problem. Damages may be due to traffic movement or the temperature of the asphalt mix. Insufficient moisture in the asphalt mix can also cause a crack. Asphalt maintenance contractors can seal small cracks, while large cracks may require an asphalt overlay.

Slippage cracks

There are many ways to solve slippage cracks on asphalt paving. These cracks are caused by the traffic weight and the pavement aging. Other causes include inadequate drainage and improper design. Some cracks can be repaired by patching or sealing them. Others require full-surface rehabilitation, which involves removing the asphalt and replacing the aggregate. The best solution depends on the type of crack and its severity.

Slippage cracks appear as crescent-shaped tears in the asphalt layer. They are the result of a lack of bonding between the layers. Sometimes dirt, oil, or other contaminants are responsible for this problem. Depending on the size and shape of the crack, you may need a patch with a partial depth or even a full-depth repair.

Another common problem is edge cracks. These cracks appear near the edge of the asphalt pavement and run in the direction of the road. These are often caused by poor drainage, settling of the underlying material, or heavy vegetation growing near the road’s edge. In either case, it is essential to address the root causes of edge cracks, including drainage improvements and removing nearby vegetation.


Potholes on asphalt paving surfaces can develop due to a variety of reasons. Cold, snowy weather and spring rains can weaken the surface and allow water to accumulate. This process can also cause the asphalt to erode and leave divots. Eventually, the divot will collapse and form a hole.

Depending on the severity of the problem, potholes can be repaired by patching or filling. It is essential to repair these cracks promptly to avoid further pavement deterioration and costly repairs. If left untreated, water will seep through the cracks and cause more significant, expensive potholes to develop. Patching materials are typically made of hot mix asphalt or emulsion mixtures. They may contain modified binders and aggregate.

A hot mix pothole patch can also be applied to patch potholes during winter. This method requires the patch to be cleaned thoroughly. The patch is then poured over the pothole and shaped to form a tight seal. However, keeping the patch at a specific temperature is essential to prevent it from cooling too quickly.

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